All current parents of Yarra are automatically members of Yarra Parents & Friends. Yarra Parents & Friends provides an important forum in which parents and friends of the School are able to meet on a regular basis. We work together to not only support the School’s programs, but to encourage a sense of community for all School families.
Parents & Friends organise morning breakfasts/coffees, parent functions, support the School Festival, Mother and Fathers’ Day stalls and various fundraising and social events throughout the year. We provide services to our School community such the Second-Hand Uniform Shop at the School premises throughout the year and the Pavilion Cafe which runs over the Winter Sports season.
All funds raised through our many programs go back into our School, supporting a variety of projects from School badges to building projects. Many friendships have been made through the Parents & Friends network.
Yarra Parents & Friends Volunteer Committee
Co-President: Robyn McKinnell - Mother of Brooke (YOG 2020), Alastair (YOG 2022) & Lachie (Grade 6)
Co-President: Elizabeth O'Callaghan - Mother of Gemma (Year 11) & Gabriel (Year 8)
Vice-President: Waye Wynn Lee - Father of Bryan (Year 5), Miranda (Year 3) & Imogen (Prep)
Secretary: Dimitri Peries - Father of Nivaan (Year 7)
Co-Treasurer: Eda Zha - Mother of Jonathan (Year 5) & Charles (Year 5)
Co-Treasurer: Lisa Liu - Mother of Emily (Year 5)
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